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Friday, December 14, 2012

John Taylor's Revelations: September 27, 1886

Revelation Received Monday, September 27, 1886, at Centerville, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  The LDS Church denies the validity of this revelation.  Also, Elder Melvin J. Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained in 1934:  “If the Lord had wanted plural marriage to continue according to the interpretations some [Fundamentalists] give of President Taylor’s [1886] revelation, He would have allowed President Taylor to have lived and enforced it but He took him and raised up President Wilford Woodruff who was inspired to give the Manifesto" (Letter dated 31 December 1934.  Musser, Ballard-Jenson Correspondence, 27).  Notwithstanding that the LDS Church denies this revelation, it is herein reported, solely for historical and educational purposes:

My son John: You have asked Me concerning the
New and Everlasting covenant-- how far it is
binding upon my people.
2 Thus saith the LORD: All commandments that I
give must be obeyed by those calling themselves
by My name unless they are revoked by Me or by
My authority;
3 And how can I revoke an everlasting
4 For I the LORD am everlasting and My
everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated nor
done away with; but they stand forever.
5 Have I not given My word in great plainness
on this subject?
6 Yet have not great numbers of My people been
negligent in the observance of My law and the
keeping of My commandment;
7 And yet have I borne with them these many
years, and this because of their weakness because
of the perilous times;
8 And furthermore, it is more pleasing to Me
that men should use their free agency in regard
to these matters.
9 Nevertheless I the LORD do not change, and
My word and My covenants and My law do not.
10 And as I have heretofore said by My servant
Joseph Smith: All those who would enter into my
glory must and shall obey My law;
11 And have I not commanded men that if they
were Abraham's seed and would enter into My
glory, they must do the works of Abraham?
12 I have not revoked this law, nor will I, for it is
everlasting-- and those who will enter into My
glory must obey the conditions thereof;
Even so, Amen.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thank you so much for posting this Clark. It re freshened my moments of peace right now. I'm glad I came here. God bless you for posting this.