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Friday, December 14, 2012

Wilford Woodruff's Revelations: November 24, 1889

Revelation Received Sunday, November 24, 1889, by President Wilford Woodruff, (Journal of Wilford Woodruff), (Also Messages of the First Presidency 3:175), at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  This revelation came to President Woodruff as he was contemplating issuing the Manifesto a year prior to its actual issuance, which occurred on October 6, 1890:

Thus saith the LORD to My servant Wilford, I the
Lord have heard thy prayer and thy request, and
will answer thee by the voice of My Spirit.
2 Thus saith the LORD, unto My servants, the
Presidency of My Church, who hold the keys of
the Kingdom of God on the earth.
3 I the Lord hold the destiny of the Courts in
your midst, and the destiny of this nation, and all
other nations of the earth in Mine own hands; all
that I have revealed, and promised and decreed
concerning the generation in which you live,
shall come to pass, and no power shall stay My
4 Let not My servants who are called to the
Presidency of My Church, deny My word or My
law, which concerns the salvation of the children
of men.
5 Let them pray for the Holy Spirit, which shall
be given them, to guide them in their acts.
6 Place not yourselves in jeopardy to your
enemies by promise;
7 Your enemies seek your destruction and the
destruction of My people.
8 If the Saints will hearken unto My voice, and
the counsel of My servants, the wicked shall not
9 Let My servants, who officiate as your
Counselors before the Courts, make their
pleadings as they are moved upon by the Holy
Spirit, without any further pledges from the
Priesthood, and they shall be justified.
10 I the LORD will hold the Courts, with the
officers of government, and the nation
responsible for their acts towards the inhabitants
of Zion.
11 I, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, am in
your midst. I am your Advocate with the Father.
12 Fear not little flock, it is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
13 Fear not the wicked and ungodly.
14 Search the Scriptures, for they are they which
testify of Me; also those revelations which I have
given to My Servant Joseph, and to all My
Servants since the world began, which are
recorded in the records of divine truth.
15 Those revelations contain the judgments of
God, which are to be poured out upon all nations
under the heavens, which include great babylon.
16 These judgments are at the door, they will be
fulfilled as God lives.
17 Leave judgment with Me, it is Mine saith the
18 Watch the signs of the times, and they will
show the fulfillment of the words of the LORD.
19 Let my servants call upon the LORD in
mighty prayer, retain the Holy Ghost as your
constant companion, and act as you are moved
upon by that spirit, and all will be well with you.
20 The wicked are fast ripening in iniquity, and
they will be cut off by the judgments of God.
21 Great events await you and this generation,
and are nigh at your doors.
22 Awake, O Israel, and have faith in God, and
His promises, and He will not forsake you.
23 I, the Lord will deliver My Saints from the
dominion of the wicked, in Mine own due time
and way.
24 I cannot deny My word, neither in blessings
nor judgments.
25 Therefore let Mine anointed gird up their
loins, watch and be sober, and keep My
26 Pray always and faint not; exercise faith in
the LORD and in the promises of God; be valiant
in the testimony of Jesus Christ.
27 The eyes of the Lord and the Heavenly Hosts
are watching over you and your acts.
28 Therefore be faithful until I come. I come
quickly, to reward every man according with
deeds done in the body.
Even so, Amen.

Wilford Woodruff's Revelations: The Sunset Wilderness Revelation

Revelation Received Monday, January 26, 1880, by Apostle Wilford Woodruff, at Sunset, Arizona Territory.  (Wilford Woodruff Journal, recorded Twice: on Dec. 28, 1880 and April 17, 1897).  He was at this time on the run from Federal Authorities attempting to arrest him for practicing plural marriage:

Thus saith the LORD unto My servant Wilford
Woodruff, I have heard thy prayer, and will
answer thy petition.
2 I will make known unto thee My will
concerning the nation who encumbers the land
of promise, and also concerning Zion and her
3 I have already revealed My will concerning the
nation through the mouth of My servant Joseph
Smith, who sealed his testimony with his own
blood, which testimony has been in force upon
all the world from the hour of his death.
4 What I the LORD have revealed in that
testament, and decreed upon this nation, and
upon all the nations of the earth, shall be
fulfilled, saith the Lord of Hosts.
5 I the LORD have spoken, and will be obeyed;
My purposes shall be fulfilled upon this nation,
and no power shall stay My hand.
6 The hour is at the door when My wrath and
indignation shall be poured out upon the wicked
of this nation. Their murders, blasphemies,
lyings, whoredoms and abominations have come
up before My face, and before the heavens, and
the wrath of Mine indignation is full.
7 I have decreed plagues to go forth, and lay
waste Mine enemies, and not many years hence
they shall not be left to pollute Mine heritage.
8 The devil is ruling over his kingdom, and My
Spirit has no place in the hearts of the rulers of
this nation, and the devil stirs them up to defy My
power, and to make war upon My saints.
9 Therefore, let Mine Apostles and Mine Elders
who are faithful obey My commandments which
are already written for your profit and guidance.
10 Thus saith the LORD unto My servant John
Taylor, and My servant Wilford Woodruff, and
My servant Orson Pratt, and to all the residue of
Mine Apostles;
11 Have you not gone forth in My name,
without purse or script, and declared the gospel
of life and salvation unto this nation, and the
nations of the earth, and warned them of the
judgments which are to come, as you have been
moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost, and
the inspiration of the LORD?
12 You have done this, year by year, for a whole
generation as men count time.
13 Therefore, your garments are clean of the
blood of this generation, and especially of this
14 Therefore, as I have said in a former
commandment, so I the LORD say unto Mine
apostles: Go ye alone by yourselves, whether in
heat or in cold, and cleanse your feet with water,
pure water, it matters not whether it be by the
running streams or in your closets, but leave
these testimonies before the LORD and the
heavenly hosts;
15 And when you have all done this, then gather
yourselves together in your holy places, and
clothe yourselves in the robes of the Holy
Priesthood, and there offer up your prayers
according to My holy law.
16 Let him who presides be mouth, and kneel
upon the holy altar, and there let Mine apostles
bring all their testimonies before My face, and
before the heavenly hosts, and before the justified
spirits made perfect.
17 And thus saith the LORD unto you Mine
apostles, when you bring these testimonies before
Me, let them be presented by name, as far as the
Spirit shall present them unto you:
18 The Presidents of the United States, the
Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the Senate and
House of Congress of the United States, the
Governors of the States and Territories, the judges
and officers sent unto you;
19 And all men and persons who have taken any
part in persecuting you, or bringing distress upon
you or your families, or who have sought your
lives, or sought to hinder you from keeping My
commandments, or from enjoying the rights
which the constitutional law of the land
guarantees unto you.
20 And what I the LORD say unto you Mine
apostles, I also say unto My servants the seventies,
the high priests, the elders, the priests, and all My
servants who are pure in heart, and who have
borne testimony unto this nation.
21 And then, saith the LORD unto Mine apostles
and Mine elders, when ye do these things with
purity of heart, I the LORD will hear your
prayers, and am bound by oath and covenant to
defend you and fight your battles.
22 As I have said in a former commandment, it is
not My will that Mine elders should fight the
battle of Zion, for I will fight your battle.
23 Nevertheless, let no man be afraid to lay
down his life for My sake, for he that layeth
down his life for My sake shall find it again, and
have Eternal Life.
24 The nation is ripened in iniquity, and the cup
of the wrath of Mine indignation is full, and I will
not stay My hand in judgment upon this nation
or the nations of the earth.
25 I have decreed wars and judgments upon the
wicked, and My wrath and indignation are about
to be poured out upon them, and the wicked and
rebellious shall know that I am God.
26 As I the LORD have spoken, so will I the
LORD fulfill. I will spare none who remain in
babylon, but I will burn them up, saith the Lord
of Hosts.
27 As I the LORD have suffered, so will I put all
enemies under My feet, for I the LORD utter My
word, and it shall be obeyed; and the day of
wrath and indignation shall come upon the
28 And I say again, woe unto that nation or
house or people who seek to hinder My people
from obeying the Patriarchal Law of Abraham,
which leadeth to a Celestial glory, which has
been revealed unto My saints through the mouth
of My servant Joseph.
29 For whosoever doeth these things shall be
damned, saith the Lord of Hosts, and shall be
broken up and wasted away from under heaven
by the judgments which I have sent forth, and
which shall not return unto Me void.
30 And thus with the sword, and by bloodshed,
and with famine and plagues, and earthquakes,
and the vivid lightnings, shall this nation, and the
nations of the earth be made to feel the
chastening hand of an Almighty God, until they
are broken up and destroyed, and wasted away
from under heaven; and no power can stay My
31 Therefore, let the wicked tremble, let them
that blaspheme My name hold their lips, for
destruction will swiftly overtake them.
32 All that I the LORD have spoken through the
mouth of My prophets and apostles since the
world began concerning the last dispensation and
fullness of times, concerning My church which
has been called out of the wilderness of darkness
and error, and concerning the Zion and kingdom
of God, and concerning babylon the great, and
what I have spoken through the mouth of My
servant Joseph, shall be fulfilled.
33 And though heavens and earth pass away,
My words shall not pass away, but shall all be
fulfilled, saith the LORD.
34 These revelations and testimonies you have
before you; let My saints search the word of the
LORD and treasure up wisdom, and be prepared
for that which is to come.
35 As I have decreed, so shall My judgments
begin at the house of God.
36 There are those in My church who have a
name among you, who are adulterers and
adulteresses, and those who blaspheme My name,
and those who love and make a lie, and those
who revel and drink with the drunken.
37 If they do not speedily repent of their
wickedness and abomination, they shall be
severed from the ordinances of My house, saith
the LORD.
38 There are many who have need to repent,
whose hearts are set upon the things of this
world, who aspire to the honors of men, and do
not honor the priesthood, nor seek to build up the
kingdom of God as they should.
39 Neither do they learn or comprehend that the
rights of the priesthood are inseparably
connected with the powers of heaven, and that
the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor
handled, only upon the principles of
40 Such should repent and turn unto the LORD,
and seek for the Holy Spirit to guide them.
41 Judgments will begin at My house, and from
thence will they go forth unto the world, and the
wicked cannot escape.
42 Blessed are the pure in heart, for My
blessings await them in this life, and Eternal Life
in the world to come.
43 Thus saith the LORD unto you, My servants
the Apostles, who dwell in the flesh, fear ye not
your enemies.
44 Let nor your hearts be troubled; I am in your
midst, I am your Advocate with the Father.
45 I have given Mine angels chard concerning
you; Mine eyes are upon you, and the eyes of
your heavenly Father, and the heavenly hosts,
and all justified spirits made perfect are watching
over you.
46 Your works are manifest before the face of
My servants who have sealed their testimony
with their blood, and before all of My servants of
the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken unto
47 The veil is taken from off their faces, and they
know your works. They await your coming
when you have finished your testimony in the
48 Therefore, be ye faithful until I come; My
coming is at the door.
49 Call upon the LORD in mighty prayer. Ask
and you shall receive. Whenever you are
agreed as touching anything, and ask the Father
in My name, it shall be given unto you.
50 Seek diligently to build up Zion, and magnify
your high calling and your enemies shall not
prevail over you.
51 Zion shall not be moved out of her place;
Zion shall prevail against her enemies.
52 My people shall not be hindered in the
building of My temple unto My holy name, if
they will hearken unto My voice and do as I
command them.
53 The blood of My servants Joseph and Hyrum
and of Mine apostles and elders which has been
shed for the word of God, and the testimony of
Jesus Christ, cries from the ground for vengeance
upon the nation which has shed their blood.
54 But their blood shall speedily be avenged, and
shall cease to cry unto Me, for the hour of God's
judgment is fully come, and shall be poured out
without measure upon the wicked.
55 But hearken and hear, O ye apostles, elders,
and people of My church, to the word of the
LORD concerning you:
56 That for all the blessings that I will pour out
upon you and the inhabitants of Zion, and the
judgments and destructions upon the wicked,
that I will be inquired of by you to ask the Father
in My name to do and to perform these things for
57 As I told all the House of Israel by My servant
Moses, that they should ask at My hand for all
those blessings which I the LORD have promised
unto Israel in the latter days.
58 And as I the LORD ordained Mine apostles
who were with Me in My ministry, and promised
them that they should sit upon twelve thrones,
judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel, so I say unto
you Mine apostles, whom I have raised up in
these last days, that I have ordained you to bear
record of My name, and of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, to the Gentiles first, and then to the House
of Israel.
59 I have also ordained you to sit upon thrones
and judge the Gentiles and all of the inhabitants
of the earth unto whom you have borne
testimony of My name in the day and generation
in which you live.
60 Therefore, how great is your calling and
responsibility before Me; therefore, gird up the
loins of your minds, and magnify your callings in
the fear of God, and prepare ye for the coming of
the Son of Man, which is nigh at the door.
61 No man knoweth the day nor the hour, but
the signs of both heaven and earth indicate His
coming, as promised by the mouths of My
disciples. The fig trees are leafing, and the hour
is nigh.
62 Therefore, prepare yourselves, O ye saints of
the Most High God, with oil in your lamps, for
blessed is he that watcheth for the coming of the
Son of Man.
63 Again, hear ye the word of the LORD, O ye
Mine apostles whom I have chosen in these last
days to bear record of My name, and to lead My
people Israel until the coming of the Son of Man;
64 I the LORD have raised up unto you My
servant John Taylor to preside over you, and to be
a lawgiver unto My church. He has mingled his
blood with that of the martyred prophets.
65 Nevertheless, while I have taken My servants
Joseph and Hyrum unto Myself, I have preserved
My servant John Taylor for a wise purpose in Me.
66 I have also taken many others of the apostles
unto Myself, for I take whom I will take, and
preserve in life those whom I will preserve,
according to the counsel of My own will.
67 And while My servant John Taylor is your
President, I wish to ask the rest of My servants of
the apostles the question:
68 Although you have one to preside over your
Quorum, and over the church, which is the order
of God in all generations, do you not, all of you,
hold the Apostleship, which is the highest
authority ever given to man on the earth? You
69 Therefore, you hold in common the keys of
the kingdom of God in all the world.
70 You, each of you, have power to unlock the
veil of eternity, and hold converse with God the
Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, and to have the
ministration of angels.
71 It is your right, privilege, and duty to inquire
of the LORD as to His mind and will concerning
yourselves, and the inhabitants of Zion and their
72 And whenever any one of you receives the
Word of the LORD, let it be written, and
presented in your councils.
73 And whatever by a united consent you deem
wisdom to be presented unto the people, let it be
presented by the President, My servant John
Taylor, as the word of the LORD.
74 In this way you will uphold him, and
strengthen his hands, as all the burden should not
rest upon one man.
75 For thus saith the LORD, all of Mine apostles
should be full of the Holy Ghost, of inspiration
and revelation, and know the mind and will of
God, and be prepared for that which is to come.
76 Therefore, let Mine apostles keep My
commandments, and obey My laws, and the gates
of hell shall not prevail against you.
77 Fear not, for lo I am with you until I come. I
come quickly.
Even so, Amen.

Wilford Woodruff's Revelations: February 22, 1877

Revelation Received Wednesday, February 22, 1877, by Apostle Wilford Woodruff, (Wilford Woodruff Journal, March 1, 1877), at St. George, Utah Territory, while he was serving as the President of the St. George Utah Temple:

The Spirit of the LORD rested upon me, and
conveyed the following testimony to me;
2 Let My servant Wilford call upon the virgins,
maidens, daughters and mothers in Zion, an let
them enter into My holy Temple on the first day
of March, the day that My servant Wilford has
seen the time allotted to man, three score years
and ten.
3 And there let them receive their washings and
anointings and endowments for and in behalf of
the wives who are dead, and have been sealed to
My servant Wilford, or they who are to be sealed
to him; and this shall be acceptable to Me, saith
the LORD.
4 And the dead of My servant shall be redeemed
in the spirit world, and be prepared to meet My
servant at the time of his coming, which shall be
at the time appointed unto him, though not
revealed to man in the flesh.
5 Now, go to and perform this work, and all
shall be accomplished according to the desire of
your heart.

Wilford Woodruff's Revelations: October 2, 1840

Revelation Received Friday, October 2, 1840, by Elder Wilford Woodruff, then of the Twelve, while he was serving in the British Mission with the Quorum of Apostles.  (Wilford Woodruff Journal).  He was at the time serving in Manchester, England:

Elder Heber C. Kimball and myself arose from our
beds in the morning with the power of God
resting upon us; yea, the Spirit of God is like fire
shut up in my bones.
2 O my God! Why is Thy Spirit thus upon me?
Why is mine eyes this morning a fountain of
tears? What art Thou about to do, O my God,
that does this thing?
3 I ask Thee, Father, to tell it unto me in the
name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son.
4 Thus saith the Lord God unto thee, My servant
Wilford. This is My Spirit that resteth upon thee
to enlighten thy mind, to show thee things to
5 Not only upon thee, but upon all My faithful
servants upon the face of the whole earth.
6 Therefore, lift up thy voice and spare not, for I
am about to perform a great work upon the face
of the earth, saith the LORD.
7 Mine indignation is about to be poured out
without measure upon the heads of this nation,
and all the nations of the earth, and they shall not
8 The cry of the poor, the widow and orphan is
ascending into Mine ears, saith the LORD, and I
am about to avenge the cry of Mine elect by
laying low the oppressor, and executing the
decree of Mine heart upon all the ungodly from
among men.
9 Therefore, I put My Spirit upon thee and say
unto thee, Lift up thy voice and spare not! And
call upon all men to repent that come within the
sound of thy voice-- and many souls shall be
given unto thee, and great shall be thy reward,
and eternal shall be thy glory, saith the LORD.

John Taylor's Revelations: September 27, 1886

Revelation Received Monday, September 27, 1886, at Centerville, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  The LDS Church denies the validity of this revelation.  Also, Elder Melvin J. Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained in 1934:  “If the Lord had wanted plural marriage to continue according to the interpretations some [Fundamentalists] give of President Taylor’s [1886] revelation, He would have allowed President Taylor to have lived and enforced it but He took him and raised up President Wilford Woodruff who was inspired to give the Manifesto" (Letter dated 31 December 1934.  Musser, Ballard-Jenson Correspondence, 27).  Notwithstanding that the LDS Church denies this revelation, it is herein reported, solely for historical and educational purposes:

My son John: You have asked Me concerning the
New and Everlasting covenant-- how far it is
binding upon my people.
2 Thus saith the LORD: All commandments that I
give must be obeyed by those calling themselves
by My name unless they are revoked by Me or by
My authority;
3 And how can I revoke an everlasting
4 For I the LORD am everlasting and My
everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated nor
done away with; but they stand forever.
5 Have I not given My word in great plainness
on this subject?
6 Yet have not great numbers of My people been
negligent in the observance of My law and the
keeping of My commandment;
7 And yet have I borne with them these many
years, and this because of their weakness because
of the perilous times;
8 And furthermore, it is more pleasing to Me
that men should use their free agency in regard
to these matters.
9 Nevertheless I the LORD do not change, and
My word and My covenants and My law do not.
10 And as I have heretofore said by My servant
Joseph Smith: All those who would enter into my
glory must and shall obey My law;
11 And have I not commanded men that if they
were Abraham's seed and would enter into My
glory, they must do the works of Abraham?
12 I have not revoked this law, nor will I, for it is
everlasting-- and those who will enter into My
glory must obey the conditions thereof;
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: Christmas Day, 1884

Revelation Received Thursday, December 25, 1884, at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives):

There are some things that ought to be put right.
2 Some time ago there was word given for the
brethren and their families to put themselves in
order before the LORD;
3 And it is necessary that these things should be
carried out, for there has been a negligence in
some of these matters;
4 And if My people and priesthood desire My
blessing and guidance and protection, they must
and shall be subject to My law.
5 And it is necessary that the various quorums of
the Priesthood should place themselves right
before Me, saith the LORD;
6 And that as individuals they should place
themselves in that position, for if they do not they
have no claim upon My blessing or My
7 A day of trouble and anxiety and sorrow and
judgment will soon overtake this nation, and
other nations-- it is nigh at hand.
8 And the inhabitants of Zion must purge
themselves from iniquity, folly, covetousness, and
vanity, and listen to and obey My laws, or they cannot have My protection--
for I the LORD will not be mocked.
9 But the wrongdoer shall receive the just
recompense of reward; and the sinners in Zion
shall be afraid;
10 And fearfulness shall also take hold of the
wicked and the ungodly that are in your midst.
11 And if you, My people, obey My law, and
keep My commandments to do them, not in name
only, but in reality, I will be your shield and
protector, and your strong tower-- and no man
shall be able to hurt you, for I will be your
12 Therefore, humble yourselves before Me, and
purify yourselves that your acts and doings may
be acceptable before Me.
13 For if you do not, you will share in the
condemnation of the wicked.
14 Therefore, listen to the counsels of those
whom I have appointed, and seek not your own
will and way, but the will of the Lord your God.
15 For by Him only can you be sustained in the
time of trouble which is fast approaching.
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: May 1884

Revelation Received in May, 1884, at Logan, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  The Logan Utah Temple had just been officially dedicated, and President Taylor sought the Lord's will concerning the furnishings and dedication of the House of the Lord:

As thou hast asked Me concerning this temple,
thus saith the LORD: I accept this house which
thou hast built;
2 And also the labors of the Committee, the
Superintendent, and the Architect thereof, and of
those who have in anywise contributed to the
building or beautifying the same, by their labor
or by their means;
3 And inasmuch as it shall be preserved pure
and not by defiled, My presence shall be there,
even the power of My Spirit, the Gift of the Holy
Ghost; which shall in this house hereafter be
more fully understood;
4 And I will acknowledge the ordinances which
shall be administered therein, both for the living
and the dead;
5 And My blessings shall attend the
administration of the ordinances, and shall rest
upon those who administer therein, inasmuch as
they comply with the order of My house, and act
with purity and singleness of heart before Me,
according to My word, My ordinances and My
6 And this house shall be a house of prayer, a
house of learning, a house of God, wherein many
great principles pertaining to the past, to the
present, and the future shall be revealed.
7 And My word and My will be made known,
and the laws of the universe, pertaining to this
world and other worlds be developed;
8 For in these houses which have been built unto
Me, and which shall be built, I will reveal the
abundance of those things pertaining to the past,
the present, and the future--
9 To the life that now is, and the life that is to
come, pertaining to law, order, rule, dominion,
and government; to things affecting this nation
and other nations.
10 The laws of the heavenly bodies in their times
and seasons, and the principles or laws by which
they are governed, and their relation to each
other, and whether they be bodies Celestial,
Terrestrial, or Telestial shall all be made known as
I will, saith the LORD.
11 For it is My will and My purpose to place My
people in closer communion with the heavens,
inasmuch as they will purify themselves and
observe more diligently My law;
12 For it is in Mine heart to greatly bless and
exalt My people, and to build up, exalt, and
beautify My Zion, inasmuch as they shall observe
My law.
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: April 28th, 1883

Revelation Received through John Taylor on Saturday, April 28, 1883, at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives):

You have asked Me why your mind was confused
and dull within the last two days.
2 Verily thus saith the LORD, by the whisperings
of His Spirit, and the still small voice, that the
arrangement which you have contemplated with
My servant Thomas is not acceptable to Me.
3 He should have listened to your offer, which
would have been profitable to himself and
acceptable to Me.
4 When you rejected his offer, you did right, and
My Spirit was with you.
5 But when you, in your zeal to show that you
had faith in Me and in My word, accepted
propositions and assumed responsibilities which
were not in accordance with the order that I
showed you, you did wrong, and I withdrew My
6 For it is forbidden My Presidency to go into
debt unless I, the LORD, command it; for these
things lead to confusion and bondage.
7 Besides, have I not shown unto you, My
servant John, a way to raise a fund which should
be at your disposal for the accomplishment of My
purposes? --And by which the rights and
properties of My people should be preserved in
all of these matters?
8 You must abide by this principle.
9 My servant Thomas does not understand this
10 Confer with him on this subject, and if he can
see these things and follow counsel, he shall assist
you in the developments contemplated.
11 For you, nor My servant George Q. Cannon,
cannot attend to these details;
12 But if he, Thomas, cannot enter freely into
this matter without restraint, then shall you
arrange with him according to wisdom, and
withdraw from the consummation of the
contemplated arrangement.
13 Behold, I have shown unto you many things,
and I will continue to make know unto you My
will, from time to time, on things temporal as
well as spiritual; things pertaining to My church,
My kingdom, and My Zion.
14 And you shall be My mouthpiece, saith the
LORD, and I will greatly bless you, and lift you
up, and exalt you, saith the LORD;
15 For your words and works are acceptable
unto Me, and I know of your zeal and integrity in
My cause, and you shall be made a blessing to My
people, and your name shall be honored in Israel,
and in this nation, and among the nations of the
earth; for they that honor Me, I will honor.
16 And I will also greatly bless My servant
George Q. Cannon, who is acceptable before Me,
and who is exceedingly desirous to do My will.
17 And I will also bless My servant Joseph F.
Smith, whose heart and spirit are right before
Me, and who is also desirous to fulfill My law;
18 And these your counselors shall be greatly
blessed with you;
19 And you shall be My mouthpiece unto them,
and I will show unto them My will from time to
20 And you shall be one in spiritual things and
also in temporal things in due time.
21 And I will show unto My people, and unto
the world, that this world is Mine, and that I
created it by My power--
22 And the gold and silver and copper and brass
and iron and riches and precious things thereof,
and all that pertains thereunto are Mine--
23 And My people shall know that they are
Mine, and that they live in Me, and move and
exist in Me, and have their being from Me,
24 And that all which they possess is Mine, and
is obtained of Me, and that they are, and can only
be, stewards over that which I have given unto
them to possess, and which they could not have
only of Me and by Me;
25 Whether it relates to this earth and the
fullness thereof-- to wives, children, and friends,
to gold, silver, houses, lands, riches and
possessions pertaining thereto-- or to thrones,
principalities, powers, dominions and exaltations
in My eternal kingdoms.
26 And My Presidency shall be one, and the
Twelve shall be one, and the Presidencies of
Stakes and the High Councils shall be one.
27 And all of My holy priesthood in their several
quorums, standings, offices, and positions shall
be one, and all of My priesthood shall be united
as one.
28 And they shall be one with My people, and
My people shall be one with them.
29 And I will be one with them, and be their
30 Let every person, therefore, be diligent and
act in their several positions, callings or
priesthood, and honor and magnify the same, and
honor and obey Me, the Lord their God, and
respect and obey the counsels of My holy
priesthood, and I will honor and exalt them, saith
the LORD, in time and throughout eternity.
31 And as it regards My servant John Taylor, it is
not necessary for him to attend to the minutia or
details of either spiritual or temporal things, but
only to give general directions, or as I may
manifest from time to time.
32 And his counselors are to be his assistants--
and the First Presidency shall call upon the
Twelve, the presidents of stakes, the bishops, and
others to assist in these duties.
33 And I will raise up wise and prudent men,
from time to time, to assist in temporal as well as
spiritual things, for they are all one with Me.
34 And then let the Twelve call upon the
Seventies, and let the high priests, the councils,
the elders, and bishops and the lesser priesthood,
and all who labor for Zion, be diligent and
35 And let every man put in his sickle and reap,
and fulfill and magnify his calling, office or
36 These things belong to My priesthood, but
more properly to the School of the Prophets.
37 Let the School of the Prophets be organized,
even all such as are worthy.
38 But if they are found unworthy, they shall not
have a place in My school-- for I will be honored
by My priesthood;
39 And let My laws be made known unto them
as may be deemed expedient.

John Taylor's Revelations: April 14, 1883

Revelation Received through John Taylor on Saturday, April, 14, 1883, at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives; see also Messages of the First Presidency 2:354).  This revelation is a continuation of the revelation previously received in October 1882.  Both the October Revelation and this one further organize the Quorums of the Seventies, with President Taylor asking, "Show unto us Thy will, O Lord, concerning the organization of the Seventies.":

What ye have written is My will, and is
acceptable unto Me:
2 And furthermore: Thus saith the LORD unto
the First Presidency, unto the Twelve, unto the
Seventies and unto all My holy Priesthood, let not
your hearts be troubled, neither be ye concerned
about the management and organization of My
Church and Priesthood and the accomplishment
of My work.
3 Fear Me and observe My laws and I will reveal
unto you, from time to time, through the
channels that I have appointed, everything that
shall be necessary for the future development and
perfection of My church,
4 For the adjustment and rolling forth of My
kingdom, and for the building up and the
establishment of My Zion.
5 For ye are My Priesthood and I am your God.
Even so. Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: October 13, 1882

Revelation Received Friday, October 13, 1882, at the Gardo House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives; see also Messages of the First Presidency, 2:348).  "This revelation dealt with Church organizational matters, including the call of three men to fill vacancies in the leading quorums of the Church.  When the First Presidency was reorganized in October 1880, John Taylor called Francis M. Lyman and John Henry Smith to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  However, this still left one vacancy in the Quorum.  A second vacancy occurred when Orson Pratt died on October 3, 1881.  Church leaders struggled to identify two men to fill these vacancies, resulting in no callings at either the April or October 1882 general conferences.  On Friday, October 13, President Taylor received a revelation on the subject" (Holzapfel and Jones, "'John the Revelator': The Written Revelations of John Taylor", BYU Religious Studies Center,  Herein Elder Heber J. Grant is called by revelation to fill one of the three vacancies.  Grant would later become the seventh President of the Church, serving from 1918-1945:

Thus saith the LORD to the Twelve, and to the
Priesthood and people of My Church:
2 Let My servants George Teasdale and Heber J.
Grant be appointed to fill the vacancies in the
Twelve, that you may be fully organized and
prepared for the labors devolving upon you, for
you have a great work to perform;
3 And then proceed to fill up the presiding
quorum of Seventies, and assist in organizing that
body of My Priesthood who are your co-laborers
in the ministry.
4 You may appoint Seymour B. Young to fill up
the vacancy in the presiding quorum of Seventies,
if he will conform to My law;
5 For it is not meet that men who will not abide
My law shall preside over My Priesthood;
6 And then proceed forthwith and call to your
aid any assistance that you may require from
among the Seventies to assist you in your labors
in introducing and maintaining the Gospel
among the Lamanites throughout the land.
7 And then let High Priests be selected, under the
direction of the First Presidency, to preside over
the various organizations that shall exist among
this people;
8 That those who receive the Gospel may be
taught in the doctrines of My Church and in the
ordinances and laws thereof, and also in the
things pertaining to My Zion and My Kingdom,
saith the LORD, that they may be one with you in
My Church and My Kingdom.
9 Let the Presidency of My Church be one in all
things; and let the Twelve also be one in all
things; and let them all be one with Me as I am
one with the Father.
10 And let the High Priests organize themselves,
and purify themselves, and prepare themselves
for this labor, and for all other labors that they
may be called upon to fulfill.
11 And let the Presidents of Stakes also purify
themselves, and the Priesthood and people of the
Stakes over which they preside,
12 And organize the Priesthood in their various
Stakes according to My law, in all the various
departments thereof, in the High Councils, in the
Elders Quorums, and in the Bishops and their
Councils, and in the Quorums of Priests, Teachers
and Deacons--
13 That every Quorum may be fully organized
according to the order of My Church;
14 And, then, let them inquire into the standing
and fellowship of all that hold My Holy
Priesthood in their several Stakes;
15 And if they find those that are unworthy let
them remove them, except they repent.
16 For My Priesthood, whom I have called and
whom I have sustained and honored, shall honor
Me and obey My laws, and the laws of My Holy
Priesthood, or they shall not be considered
worthy to hold My Priesthood, saith the LORD.
17 And let my Priesthood humble themselves
before Me, and seek not their own will but My
18 For if My Priesthood whom I have chosen,
and called, and endowed with the spirit and gifts
of their several callings, and with the powers
thereof, do not acknowledge Me I will not
acknowledge them, saith the LORD; for I will be
honored and obeyed by My Priesthood.
19 And, then, I call upon My Priesthood, and
upon all of My people to repent of all their sins
and shortcomings, of their covetousness and
pride and self will, and of all their iniquities
wherein they sin against Me;
20 And to seek with all humility to fulfill My
law, as My Priesthood, My Saints, and My people;
21 And I call upon the heads of families to put
their houses in order according to the law of God,
and attend to the various duties and
responsibilities associated therewith, and to
purify themselves before Me, and to purge out
iniquity from their households. And I will bless
and be with you, saith the LORD;
22 And ye shall gather together in your holy
places wherein ye assemble to call upon Me, and
ye shall ask for such things as are right,
23 And I will hear your prayers, and My Spirit
and power shall be with you, and My blessing
shall rest upon you, upon your families, your
dwellings and your households, upon your flocks
and herds and fields, your orchards and
vineyards, and upon all that pertains to you;
24 And you shall be My people and I will be
your God;
25 And your enemies shall not have dominion
over you, for I will preserve you and confound
them, saith the LORD, and they shall not have
power nor dominion over you;
26 For My word shall go forth, and My work
shall be accomplished, and My Zion shall be
established, and My rule and My power and My
dominion shall prevail among My people, and all
nations shall yet acknowledge Me.
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: June 28, 1882

Revelation Received on June 28, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  "This revelation reassured the leaders of the [Council of Fifty] and of the Church that the Lord controls the destiny of nations, his Church, and his kingdom" (Holzapfel and Jones, "'John the Revelator': The Written Revelations of John Taylor", BYU Religious Studies Center,

Am I not King of kings, and Lord of lords?
2 Do I not rule in the heavens above and in the
earth beneath, as I will, saith the LORD?
3 And though men do not acknowledge Me, yet
do I control them; and I will control them
according to My will and purposes;
4 And I will make use of the kings of the earth,
and the rulers and powers of the earth to
accomplish My purposes, saith the Lord God your
Redeemer-- and none shall stay My hand.
5 And I will build up My kingdom as I have
heretofore decreed and made known through the
mouth of Mine holy prophets, so far as they have
declared My purposes pertaining thereto;
6 And I have many other things to make known
and to proclaim relative to My church, and to My
kingdom, and to the building up of My Zion on
the earth.
7 Behold, you are My kingdom, and rulers in My
kingdom, and then you are also, many of you,
rulers in My church according to your
ordinations therein.
8 For are you not of the First Presidency, and of
the Twelve Apostles, and some Presidents of
Stakes, and some bishops, and some high priests
and some seventies and elders therein?
9 And are ye not all of My church, and belong to
My holy Priesthood?
10 And then are ye not all of My kingdom, and
do you not belong to My kingdom, and are ye not
the representatives thereof, even My
11 And am I not your God, even your Redeemer
and your King?
12 Behold, I have told you to do as I command
you, and have I not a right to dictate in the affairs
of My kingdom?
13 And is it not incumbent upon you to obey Me
as your LORD, your lawgiver, and your King?
14 Behold thus saith the LORD, I will be obeyed
by My council, and if they do not acknowledge
Me, I will not acknowledge them, saith the Lord
of Hosts, the God and King of the whole earth.
15 Speaking of My church, behold I established
My church that I might reveal unto them My
word, and My will, and the law of the Gospel,
and the order of the Holy priesthood.
17 And I set in order My priesthood, even the
Aaronic and Melchizedek;
17 And I have sent forth Mine elders to the
world to preach this gospel of the kingdom to all
people and to gather Mine elect from among all
18 That a people might be prepared through My
gospel, through the manifestation of My Spirit,
even the Spirit of Truth, the Gift of the Holy
Ghost, the Comforter, and through the teachings
of My holy priesthood, and the revelations of My
will, to comprehend the law of My gospel;
19 To be one with each other, and to be one with
Me as I am one with the Father.
20 To comprehend and obey the principles of
righteousness, virtue, holiness, purity, and the
love and fear of God;
21 And to assist in building My Zion unto Me,
saith the Lord of Hosts, and to prepare for the
salvation and redemption of the world, even the
living and the dead.
22 And again, it required this gospel, this
priesthood, this revelation, this unity, this Spirit,
to introduce the kingdom of God, the law of God,
the authority and dominion of God, that the will
of God might be done on earth as it is done in
23 I rule now among the nations, but not by
their consent, and the rulers of the earth do not
know Me or My law, nor recognize My
24 They have their free agency and use it; so
have also My people, and they use their agency
through My gospel to serve Me, to obey My law,
and to build up My church and kingdom.
25 For outside of My church there is no people
on the earth who will listen to My law.
26 And if there was no people who would listen
to My law, how could I have a kingdom, and how
could I be their ruler?
27 I have established My kingdom to be a shield
and protection to My church, to learn and
comprehend My law, and to carry out My
purposes, that My will may be done on earth as it
is done in heaven;
28 The church through the law and Spirit of the
gospel to preserve the virtue and purity of the
29 And the kingdom to preserve and protect the
church from the aggressions of the wicked and
30 And behold, I do not want My own will, but
the will of My Father;
31 The same is My Father and My God, and your
Father and your God, and we are One: I in Him,
and you in Me.
32 Am I and My Father with the church? Yes.
33 Am I not your God, your Ahman Christ? You
so acknowledge Me.
34 My Father is King of kings, and Lord of lords.
35 I rule as My Father directs Me, and if ye rule
and direct according to My will, under the
direction of My servant who is your President
and head, are we not one, and is it not the rule
and government of God?
36 And any kingdom, or government, or
dominion that is not under My direction, and
does not acknowledge Me, I will not
acknowledge, saith the Lord of Hosts;
37 And if they fight against Me and My laws,
and My church, and My kingdom, they shall be
overthrown in Mine own due time, for I have so
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: June 27, 1882

Revelation Received Tuesday, June 27, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  "It specifically addresses the Council of Fifty, a political council established by Joseph Smith in March 1844" (Holzapfel and Jones, "'John the Revelator': The Written Revelations of John Taylor", BYU Religious Studies Center,

Verily, thus saith the LORD, I have instituted My
kingdom and My laws, with the keys and power
2 And have appointed you as My spokesmen and
My constitution, with President John Taylor at
your head, whom I have appointed to My church
and My kingdom as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator,
unto My church and unto My kingdom-- and to
preside over My church and over My kingdom,
and to be My mouthpiece unto My church and
unto My kingdom.
3 And I will honor him, and he shall speak forth
the words that I will reveal unto him from time to
time by the whispering of My Spirit, by the
revelation of My will and My word, or by Mine
own voice as I will, saith the LORD;
4 And ye shall listen to his words as My words,
saith the Lord your God.
5 Thus saith the Lord God who rules in the
heavens above, and in the earth beneath: I have
introduced My kingdom and My government,
even the kingdom of God that My servants have
heretofore prophesied of--
6 And that I taught My disciples to pray for,
saying, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven."
7 For the establishment of My rule, for the
introduction of My law, for the protecting of My
church, and for the maintenance, promulgation,
and protection of civil and religious liberty in this
nation and throughout the world.
8 And all men of every nation, color, and creed
shall yet be protected and shielded thereby;
9 And every nation, kindred, and people, and
tongue shall yet bow the knee to Me, and
acknowledge Me to be Ahman Christ, to the glory
of God the Father.
10 And My law, and My rule, and My dominion
shall extend over the whole earth, and no one
shall stay My hand, or question my authority;
11 For I rule by right, in the heavens above and
in the earth; and My right, and My rule and My
dominion shall yet be known and extended to all
12 And now behold, I speak unto you through
My servant John, whom you have acknowledged
and shall acknowledge as My spokesman: Thus
saith the Lord God, the Maker of heaven and
earth, the ruler of the universe, whose right it is
to rule in the heavens above, and in the earth
13 Behold, I raised up My servant Joseph Smith
to introduce My gospel, and to build up My
church, and establish My kingdom on the earth.
14 And I gave unto him wisdom, and knowledge,
and revelation, and intelligence pertaining to the
past, the present and the future, even to that
extent which was not known among men;
15 And I endowed him with power from on
high, and conferred upon him the priesthood of
Aaron, and also the Priesthood of Melchizedek,
which is after the order of the Son of God, even
the holiest of all, and after the power of an
endless life- and administereth forever in this
world and the world to come.
16 He was called and ordained to this office
before the world was; he was called by Me, and
empowered by Me, and sustained by Me to
introduce and establish My church and kingdom
upon the earth--
17 And to be a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to
My church and kingdom; and to be a King and
Ruler over Israel.
18 He was slain for the testimony of Jesus, and
for the word of God; but he yet lives, and is with
Me where I am.
19 And now I speak unto you who are members
of this council, and of My kingdom, and I say
unto you, as I said unto My disciples of old: Ye
have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.
20 I called you by My servant Joseph, and by My
servant Brigham, and by My servant John.
21 You did not teach and instruct Me; but I have
taught and instructed you, and organized you
according to My eternal laws.
22 Ye are My constitution, and I am your God.
23 And I will be acknowledged; and My will,
and My word, and My law shall bear rule in My
kingdom, saith the LORD.
24 If it does not, then it is not My kingdom, and
then are ye not My spokesmen;
25 For if it is by the wisdom of man, by the
intelligence of man, and under the direction of
man, then it is a kingdom of man, and it is not of
Me, and I will not acknowledge it, saith the Lord
26 Have I not instructed you in all that you
know, and is not this kingdom organized and
directed by revelation from Me? Is it not called
the Kingdom of God?
27 If therefore it is not My kingdom, why do you
make use of My name, and invoke My authority
and My aid?
28 Is this kingdom not called,
"The Kingdom of God, and His laws, with the
Keys and Powers Thereof, and Judgment in the
Hands of His Servant Ahman Christ"?
29 And because I am kind and beneficent to all
peoples, and because I have given to man his free
agency, and have always maintained that free
agency among all peoples, and have treated all
men alike among all nations, and made the sun to
shine on the evil and the good, on the just and the
unjust, and have never controlled the consciences
of men, think ye, therefore, that I have no rights,
and will yield up all My authority to the dictates
and caprices of wicked and corrupt men?
30 Verily I say unto you, Nay.
31 Behold, Satan sought to take away the free
agency of man in the beginning, for which he
was thrust out of heaven, and has sought to
introduce the same principles upon the earth,
which principles are opposed to Me, to My
institutions, and My laws, and to the freedom, the
welfare, and happiness of man--
32 And by which principles the government of
the United States sought to deprive My people of
their free agency.
33 And because men have been under the
influence and power and dominion of Lucifer,
and because tyranny and oppression and evil
have abounded by him, and not by Me, saith the
Lord your God, shall righteousness and justice,
and judgment, and truth, and virtue, and holiness
be forever trampled under foot? --And the
principles of tyranny, oppression, and misrule,
and anarchy, deception, and fraud forever
34 Verily I say unto you, Nay.
35 And for this cause have I introduced My
church and My kingdom, that pure and righteous
principles might be inculcated, and man by his
free agency yield a willing obedience to My law;
36 For after this testimony and the rejection
thereof, I will sweep the earth of evil doers as
with the besom of destruction;
37 For this is My right; and while man has free
agency, judgment belongs to Me, saith the LORD.
38 And I will come out of My hiding place and
vex the nations of the earth because of their
iniquities, their misrule, their tyranny, their
oppression, their corruption, their murders, their
adulteries and fornications, and all their
39 And because My servant Joseph, whose soul
was pained because of their cruelties and
oppressions, the injustice, fraud, and corruption,
and the inhumanity of men, proclaimed himself
the advocate of human rights, the advocate of
liberty, and the friend of man;
40 And because, according to My eternal
decrees, the free agency of man should be
guaranteed to all men, I moved upon him to
introduce into My kingdom certain parties not in
My church-- for the purpose of exhibiting into
My kingdom that I would still maintain the free
agency of man, and that I hold inviolate that
principle, and will still maintain it to the end--
41 Think ye, therefore, that because they are
thus admitted to a share in My government and
My laws that they shall be permitted to break
their covenants, violate their obligations, and
reject Me and My laws and authority, and seek to
overthrow the kingdom of God, and deprive My
people who are contending for freedom, and who
shall yet maintain it, of their agency, and of My
42 Verily I say unto you, Nay.
43 They shall be admitted to the rights of
representation in the manner appointed, after
subscribing to My covenants and
commandments, and have a full and free
opportunity of presenting their views, interests,
and principles, and enjoying all the free and
rights of this council;
44 But they shall acknowledge Me and My laws
in this council, saith the Lord God;
45 For My people's rights, and immunities, and
free agency shall be acknowledged as well as
those of all other people;
46 And My laws and government shall be
sustained, or I will not acknowledge you, saith
the LORD.
47 I have invested you with the keys and power
of My kingdom, and they cannot be bartered
away to others.
48 Shall all men be free? Yes, free to do right,
free to express their sentiments and opinions, and
have a full, fair, and free representation;
49 But no man shall violate his covenants,
pervert My laws, subvert others free agency, and
trample upon Mine authority in this council,
saith the Lord your God.
50 Again I say unto you, as I said before:
Henceforth do as I shall command you, saith the
Lord your God. Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: June 25 and 26, 1882

Revelation through John Taylor, received Sunday and Monday, June 25th and 26th, 1882 at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, containing questions concerning the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, as also Celestial Marriage and Plural Marriage, which the Church was currently practicing.  (John Taylor Papers, LDS Archives).  Holzapfel and Jones wrote that this revelation was given "just three months after U.S. president Chester Arthur signed the Edmunds Act into law on March 22, 1882.  The act began a new phase of the federal prosecution against the Church" (Holzapfel and Jones, "'John the Revelator': The Written Revelations of John Taylor", BYU Religious Studies Center, The practice of Plural Marriage was abandoned between the years 1890 and 1904:

Question: Is the law of Celestial Marriage a law
given to this nation or to the world?
2 Answer: No-- in no other sense than as the
gospel is given and in accordance with the laws
thereof. So far as it is made known unto men, it
is made know unto them as the gospel is made
known unto them, and is part of the New and
Everlasting Covenant.
3 And it is only those who receive the gospel that
are able to, or capable of, entering into this
4 Have I not said through My servant Joseph
Smith that all kingdoms are governed by law?
And if they receive not the law of the gospel, they
cannot participate in the blessings of Celestial
marriage, which pertains to Mine elect.
5 No person or people or nation can enter into
the principle of Celestial marriage unless they
come in by Me, saith the LORD, and obey the law
of My gospel through the medium of him who is
appointed unto this power as made known unto
My people through My servant Joseph in a
Revelation on the eternity of the marriage
covenant, including the plurality of wives.
6 I have therein stated that , "all those who have
this law revealed unto them must obey the same;
for behold I reveal unto you a New and an
Everlasting Covenant; and if ye abide not that
covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can
reject this covenant and be permitted to enter
into My glory."
7 Furthermore, "And as pertaining to the New
and Everlasting Covenant, it was instituted for the
fullness of My glory; and he that receiveth a
fullness thereof must and shall abide the law, or
he shall be damned, saith the Lord God."
8 It is again written that, "all kingdoms have a
law given."
9 The Celestial kingdom, including the promise
of Eternal Life, pertains to, "the church of the
Firstborn, even of God, the holiest of all, through
Jesus Christ, His Son."
10 Therefore, such must be sanctified from all
unrighteousness, that they may be prepared for
the Celestial glory.
11 "For he who cannot abide the law of a
Celestial kingdom, cannot abide a Celestial glory;"
12 "And he who cannot abide the law of a
terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial
13 "And he who cannot abide the law of a
telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory;
therefore, he is not meet for a kingdom of glory.
Therefore, he must abide a kingdom which is not
a kingdom of glory."
14 Each of the persons inhabiting these several
kingdoms shall be quickened by the same power
that pertains to the kingdom that they are
destined to inherit, whether Celestial, terrestrial,
or telestial; and shall receive of their respective
15 And again it is written, "And again, verily I
say unto you, that which is governed by law is
also preserved by law, and perfected and
sanctified by the same."
16 "That which breaketh a law, and abideth not
by law, but seeketh to become a law unto itself,
and willeth to abide in sin, cannot be sanctified
by law, neither by mercy, justice, nor judgment."
17 It is further written, speaking of Celestial
marriage, "And verily I say unto you, that the
conditions of this law are these: All covenants,
contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows,
performances, connections, associations, or
expectations that are not made and entered into,
and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, of him
who is anointed, both as well for time and for all
eternity, and that too most holy, by revelation and
commandment, through the medium of Mine
anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to
hold this power (and I have appointed unto My
servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days,
and there is never but one on the earth at a time
on whom this power and the keys of this
priesthood are conferred) are of no efficacy,
virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from
the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto
this end have an end when men are dead."
18 This law is a Celestial law, and pertains to a
Celestial kingdom. It is a New and Everlasting
Covenant, and appertains to thrones, principalities,
powers, dominions, and eternal increase in
the Celestial kingdom of God.
19 You are not now sent to proclaim this
principle to the United States, nor to the world,
nor to urge it upon them. It is not for them as a
nation or nations, only as many as accept the law
of My gospel, and are governed thereby.
20 Behold, if you were to preach this principle
unto them, and they said, we accept it, could you
then administer it unto them? Verily I say unto
you, nay.
21 Have I not said, "Behold, Mine house is a
house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a
house of confusion."
22 "Will I accept of an offering, saith the LORD,
that is not made in My name?"
23 "Or will I receive at your hands that which I
have not appointed?"
24 "And will I appointed unto you, saith the
LORD, except it be by law, even as I and My
Father ordained unto you, before the world was?"
25 "I am the LORD thy God, and I give unto you
this commandment: that no man shall come unto
the Father but by Me or by My word, which is
My law, saith the LORD."
26 "And everything that is in the world, whether
it be ordained of men, by thrones, or
principalities, or powers, or things of name,
whatsoever that may be, that are not by Me, saith
the LORD, shall be thrown down, and shall not
remain after men are dead, neither in nor after
the resurrection saith the LORD your God."
27 "For whatsoever things remain are by Me,
and whatsoever things are not by Me shall be
shaken and destroyed."
28 " Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the
world, and he marry her not by Me nor by My
word, and he covenant with her so long as he is
in the world and she with him, their covenant
and marriage are not of force when they are
dead, and when they are out of the world;
therefore, they are not bound by any law when
they are out of the world."
29 You ask, what shall we do? Thus saith the
LORD, obey My law and seek not to become a
law unto yourselves, nor trust to outside
influences; but seek in the way appointed to the
Lord your God.
30 Ye are My spokesmen, I am your God; and as
I have before said, I now again say: Henceforth
do as I shall command you.
31 Concerning the course taken by the United
States, they have a right to reject this law
themselves, as they have a right to reject the
gospel; but it is contrary to the provisions of the
Constitution, which is the supreme law of the
land, for them to prohibit you from obeying it.
32 Therefore, abide in My law which I have
revealed unto you, saith the Lord God, and
contend for your rights by every legal and
constitutional method and in accordance with the
institutions, laws, and Constitution of the United
33 Be humble, be faithful, be diligent; seek unto
Me and it shall be made know unto you from
time to time what My will is pertaining to this
34 I am the Lord your God, hearken to Me, and
obey My law, and your enemies shall be
confounded, and My kingdoms shall be
Even so, Amen.

John Taylor's Revelations: November 19, 1877

Revelation Received through President John Taylor on Monday, November 19, 1877. (Joseph F. Smith Papers, LDS Archives), at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory.  This revelation was received shortly after the death of President Brigham Young.  Historians Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Christopher C. Jones wrote that "The effort to settle Brigham Young’s estate was challenging because it was difficult to distinguish what property belonged to the Church in Brigham Young’s name and what property legitimately belonged to the surviving family members" (Holzapfel and Jones, "'John the Revelator': The Written Revelations of John Taylor", BYU Religious Studies Center,
I have been asking the LORD to show me how to adjust the property of the church held in the name of the late President Brigham Young, so as to do justice to his estate; and yet not wrong the Church, and have received the following:
2 You have asked of Me, and others of the
Twelve have asked of Me, that wisdom might be
given to you to adjust these property matters of
the church;
3 Thus saith the LORD: Be one, be united, be
honest, act upon the principles of justice and
righteousness to the living and the dead, and to
My church, and I the LORD will sustain you and
acknowledge your labors. Amen.