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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"I'm a Mormon" Campaign Huge Success

2011 is surely the year of the Mormon, with former Governors Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and John Huntsman of Utah on the ticket for the Republican Presidential nomination, Democratic Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid in the United States Senate, and the Tony Award-winning "Book of Mormon Musical" the talks of the town, as they say.  The "Book of Mormon Musical" being the only blight to a really good publicity-laced year, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' "I'm a Mormon" ad campaign has been conceived to stifle prejudice and let the public know who the Latter-day Saints really are.

Tested in nine cities in the summer of 2010 and launched two weeks ago in New York City, people of the United States can now meet the Mormons.  In the 29 June 2011 issue of the Deseret News, the official spokesman for the LDS Church, Scott Trotter, remarked, "Since the launch of the New York campaign, we've noticed a significant increase in visitors to  Most of the recent traffic to the site is coming from mobile devices.  This change suggests people 'on the go' are visiting the site after encountering the ads."  Elder Richard G. Hinckley, son of the late President Gordon B. Hinckley, and current executive director of the Church's missionary department, said, "This is one way to get to know us - through the lives of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It's one thing to read a list of beliefs and to try to determine what it all means.  It is quite another to see those beliefs in action in an individual you know."

We here at The Mormon Eagle agree with Brother Scott and Elder Hinckley.  Our motto says it all: "It is better to represent ourselves than to be represented by others."  Indeed it is.  I, Clark LeRay Herlin, am a Mormon, and proud of it.  I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and the only true source for mankind to find peace in this life and eternal exaltation in the life to come.  Facebook me or other Mormons you know, and they will be glad to help you find out more.  As President Joseph Smith said, "We don't ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more" (History of the Church 5:259).  So, all ye people of the United States, come and get more Truth - even a fulness, which only the Mormons can offer.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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